Progress of the Smokefree Class Competition from 1997 to 2010

In the following tables the participation and retention rates of the past 13 years are listed.

Country Registered
Retention rates
for classes
Belgium 267 2180  
Bulgaria 91 102  
Estonia 223 840  
Finland 207 1176  
France   530  
Germany 3869 10587  
Iceland 127 291  
Italy 184 735  
Luxembourg 29 155  
Netherlands 436 2556  
Poland 34 63  
Spain 483 1557  
Switzerland   3130  
UK Wales 78 358  
Country Registered
Retention rates
for classes
Belgium 291 2493 68.1%
Estonia 188 733 77.6%
Finland 234 1356 40.3%
France 350 1238 44.7%
Germany 3922 11103 64.4%
Iceland 131 324 93.2%
Italy 237 889 84.6%
Luxembourg 27 137 61.3%
Netherlands 352 2770 36.5%
Poland 51 74 100%
Slovak Republic 46 150 69.3%
Spain 444 1455 68,9%
Switzerland   3214 66.0%
UK Wales 112 538 54.5%
Country Registered
Pupils Retention rates
for classes
Belgium 296 2474 40770 69.6%
Estonia 230 843 15628 71.7%
Finland 229 1380 26606 35.7%
France 358 1377 34425 54.0%
Germany 4110 11350 288258 63.3%
Greece 38 135 4050 61.3%
Iceland 142 305 5644 95.2%
Italy 249 769 16533 84.6%
Latvia 202 269 4542 35.3%
Lithuania 247 252 5631 97.2%
Luxembourg 26 141 2845 67.4%
Netherlands 324 2856 71400 35.6%
Poland 127 183 3705 95.7%
Portugal 13 60 1150 88.1%
Romania 116 349 8029 61.3%
Slovak Republic 66 252 5951 55.2%
Spain 462 1513 35808 76.7%
Switzerland   3629 66379 64.8%
UK Wales 373 472 11437 42.3%
Country Registered
Pupils Retention rates
for classes
Belgium 237 1952 31995 75.4%
Czech Republic 6 13 261 100%
Estonia 177 515 10714 68.4%
Finland 285 1506 28662 32.3%
France 333 1502 37550 56.7%
Germany 4187 12003 276070 65.8%
Greece 51 304 9120 67.4%
Hungary 8 69 1552 40.6%
Iceland 131 324 5916 95.1%
Italy 234 801 17197 87.1%
Latvia 165 216 3643 47.7%
Lithuania 258 280 7000 100%
Luxembourg 26 165 3436 62.4%
Netherlands 403 3523 88075 43.3%
Poland 67 165 3373 98.8%
Portugal 120
Romania 1940 45811 82.0%
Slovak Republic 66 230 5484 64.8%
Spain 400 1379 35223 75.2
Switzerland 2915
UK Wales 136 488 12081 46.7%
UK Glasgow 29 213
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Belgium 244 1983
Estonia 163 526 64.3%
Finland 322 1789 34.2%
France 663 2678 50.0%
Germany 4367 12425 65.8%
Greece 73 236 47.5%
Italy 255 850
Latvia 316 534 22.8%
Luxembourg 26 195 65.1%
Netherlands 405 3504 40.5%
Romania 360 1237 80.8%
Portugal 48 262 75.6%
Slovak Republic 109 385 59.0%
Spain 388 1263 74.3%
Switzerland 3433 65.0%
UK Wales 119 597 58.6%
UK Glasgow 33 185
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 101
Belgium 215 2161
Estonia 127 348
Finland 403 2219
France 569 2549
Germany 4032 10994 70.2%
Greece 102 328 74.1%
Iceland 317
Italy 241 736
Luxembourg 162 78.4%
Netherlands 530 2463
Romania 503 70.6%
Portugal 31 129 72.9%
Spain 988
Switzerland 2635 4102
Wales 119 597 58.6%
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 123 186 93.0%
Belgium 263 2058 79.7%
Denamrk 454 608 40.8%
Estonia 107 362 51.1%
Finland 429 2252 36.8%
France 908 3586 49.7%
Germany 3521 9503 65.4%
Greece 69 233 87.6%
Iceland 138 367 92.9%
Italy 649 88.8%
Luxembourg 152 65.1%
Netherlands 388 2129 61.5%
Portugal 17 80 83.8%
Spain 249 745 80.4%
Switzerland 3484 72.5%
Wales 106 532 66.2%
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 119 198
Belgium (Flemish) 269 2149 74.5%
Finland 366 1959
France 200 458 79.9%
Germany 3305 8402 62.0%
Greece 73 319 86.8%
Iceland 135 327
Italy 204 653
Luxembourg 27 140
Netherlands 291 2459 37.3%
Portugal 15 76
Spain 176 467
Switzerland 998 2592
Wales 108 596
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 108 183 42.1%
Belgium (Flemish) 402 1805 68.8%
Belgium (French) 52 177 57.6%
Denmark 472 645 44.5%
Finland 393 2166 30.7%
France 344 1079
Germany 2582 5791 59.7%
Greece 51 331 69.2%
Iceland 125 340 95.0%
Israel 200
Italy 188 512 80.1%
Luxembourg 24 141 57.4%
Netherlands 215 1870 38.6%
Portugal 18 173 73.4%
Spain 118 338 84.3%
Switzerland 1078 2132 68.6%
Wales 99 586 57.2%
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 459 1121 17.0%
Belgium 191 1229 67.7%
Denmark 458 557 79.9%
Finland 481 2352 27.5%
France 31 182 63.2%
Germany 2006 4354 63.0%
Greece 50 189 79.4%
Iceland 143 319 95.6%
Italy 187 464 66.2%
Luxembourg 23 165 55.2%
Netherlands 230 1832 28.2%
Portugal 14 107 75.7%
Spain 101 333 73.9%
Switzerland 619 1257 75.0%
Wales 98 560 70.0%
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 525 65.1%
Belgium 98 484 47.9%
Denmark 518 33.2%
Finland 423 2349 30.3%
France 59 197 79.7%
Germany 1017 2298 63.1%
Greece 103 301 83.4%
Iceland 124 323 91.6%
Italy 116 317 77.3%
Luxembourg 24 131 78.6%
Netherlands 200 791 52.0%
Portugal 12 113 70.8%
Spain 102 310 71.6%
Wales 92 525 78.1%
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Austria 352 544 47.1%
Belgium 38 216 49.5%
Denmark 433 557 44.9%
Finland 521 2578 33.9%
France 43 147 84.4%
Germany 420 780 54.9%
Greece 51 135 90.4%
Italy 157 352 57.4%
Netherlands 14 61 29.5%
Spain 55 147 78.9%
Wales 90 536 59.7%
Country Registered
Retention rate
for classes
Denmark 128 145 39.3%
Finland 503 2688 32.2%
France 31 91 60.4%
Germany 227 462 58.7%
Italy 80 139 62.6%
Spain 25 88 58.0%
Wales 44 208 83.7%

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