How NOT to Fail Drug Test Because Of Urine Temperature: Ultimate Guide

When you take a drug test that requires providing a urine sample, you may find yourself asking an important question? As it turns out, the temperature of your sample has a critical role to play in order to ensure accurate results. While human urine typically exits the body at 98.60F or 37.0C, this value is equivalent to normal body temperature and tests usually accept anything between 90 – 1000F (32 – 380C).

But how can you ensure that your synthetic urine remains at the proper temp range for a drug test? One reliable solution to maintain the correct temperature range for a drug test is to use Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit, which comes with a heating pad and temperature strip for precise temperature control.

Banner Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater

Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)

  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • All YOU NEED TO PASS A TEST IN ONE PACK: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable

Why Should You Keep Urine Warm?

Urine samples for drug tests need to remain warm in order for them to be accepted and valid. This is because cold urine can often lead to false positive results due to the presence of inactive metabolites, which are inactive byproducts from drugs that have already been metabolized by the body. By heating up your specimen, these inactive metabolites get re-activated and are detectable on tests.  So, if you are a wax pen user, considering an alternative method to pass the urinalysis, such as Urine Simulation Kit, will be a good idea. Therefore, it’s essential that you keep your specimen within the ideal temperature range for your results to be accurately reported.

Another reason to keep the urine sample warm before the test is the natural cause. Human urine quickly decomposes and starts to smell badly. It happens during the first hour after its excretion from the body. To prevent this situation you may want to keep the urine sample warm, so lab specialists can see it is fresh during a test.

Also, keep in mind that pee temperature below the normal range of 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit may cause discolored urine. It can also be suspicious.

The reason why synthetic urine manufacturers put the heating pads and temperature strips inside their kits with fake pee is to help you maintain the sample within this range. Your task is to make the fake pee sample look new and clean. It should have the proper consistency, color, and smell. Otherwise, lab specialists may find out you’ve replaced your sample with fake urine.

You simply can’t let it be cold because the breakdowns of metabolites may change the chemical formula of a pee sample badly. You may get a positive result for the drug test if the sample is delivered too cold or too hot. It is recommended to practice maintaining the necessary temperature range for the sample before a drug test. You may want to feel confident and know exactly what you are doing when the time for the real drug test comes.

These are the main reasons why you should always keep the urine sample within the normal temperature range before the test. It should look and smell fresh.

How To Keep Pee Warm For A Drug Test?

Hand Warmers

There are various ways to keep urine warm for a drug test, and one of the simplest methods is to use hand warmers. These portable packets contain a mixture of chemicals that, when exposed to air, generate heat for several hours. They’re a popular option for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, but they’re also effective at keeping urine warm. Simply activate the hand warmer and place it next to the urine sample before submitting it.

While using hand warmers, avoid direct contact with the bottle where you store the urine sample. Otherwise, you can damage the sample by overheating it. Instead, cover the hand warmer with a cloth or towel for a buffering material. Also, after warming the urine with the hand warmer, check if the sample’s temperature is still within the acceptable drug testing range (typically, between 94°F and 100°F).

Hand warmers are also lightweight and portable. They are perfect for anyone who wants to travel with a synthetic urine kit and always be prepared for a sudden drug test at work.

Heating Pads

Another method is to use heating pads, which are designed to warm up muscles and joints. These can be purchased at most drugstores and are easy to use, just like the convenient Powdered Urine Kits that provide reliable simulation results when properly prepared. Many heating pads are reusable, so you can use them multiple times. Simply wrap the pad around the container of urine and secure it in place. Be sure to check the temperature regularly to ensure that the urine remains within the acceptable range.

Warming Urine with Your Body

The most natural way to keep urine warm is to keep it close to your body. This method works best if you need to submit the sample in person. Simply hold the container between your legs or in your armpit to keep it close to your body. This will ensure that the urine stays at body temperature until you’re ready to submit it.

Your task is to make the sample a bit warmer than the range of 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit so it could have some time to cool down before you give it away for a test.

Armit is a good place to keep it warm. But if you use an elastic band to attach the sample with clean urine around your thigh or between your thighs – it is a much smarter place to hide. Also, the body temperature between the thighs is a bit higher and that is what you need. Try walking naturally with the sample’s bottle between your legs – practice at home before going public.

Electric Urine Warmer For a Drug Test

The electric urine warmer for a drug test is a highly reliable and efficient way to keep urine warm during drug tests. It is an electronic device that is designed to maintain the correct temperature for urine testing for at least four hours with one set of batteries. The device is reusable and can be used several times. Among the few available urine warmers,the UrHeatingDevice is a highly reliable and efficient option for maintaining urine temperature during drug tests.

It is an excellent option for those who want to ensure that their urine sample is at the correct temperature range during drug testing. However, it is crucial to note that the electric urine warmer is only available as part of the UrHeatingDevice kit, which can be bulky and expensive, though many users also find great success with high-quality Powdered Urine Kits with air-activated heaters that offer a convenient and trustworthy solution.
Therefore, it is essential to consider your budget and needs before purchasing the equipment. Overall, the electric urine warmer is an excellent option for individuals who want to ensure that they pass their drug tests with accurate and reliable urine samples.

Banner Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater

Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)

  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • All YOU NEED TO PASS A TEST IN ONE PACK: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable

Microwave Oven

Using a microwave oven is not an ideal method, but it can be effective in a pinch. First, transfer the urine from the container it was collected into a microwave-safe container. Heat the urine on high for about 10 seconds at a time, checking the temperature after each interval. Be careful not to overheat the urine, as this action can destroy the sample.

Another technique is to heat for 1 minute with very short intervals of 5-7 seconds. In any case, use the timer on your phone to be precise.

If you got the sample with clean urine frosted or very cold, then you need to defrost it first before warming. The best method is to let it defrost naturally overnight – microwaving is prohibited because it will damage the sample’s chemical formula! After defrosting you need to use the sample during the day.

Do not forget to use the hand warmer after heating the sample in a microwave oven. It is necessary to keep the sample warm enough until giving to lab specialists.

How To Use Someone Else’s Pee For A Urine Drug Test?

Typically trying to use someone else’s pee for a drug test is not recommended as it carries several risks such as getting caught or risking different levels of contamination due to differences between donor specimens etc. Furthermore, even if someone was able to get away with using another person’s sample, there would still need some kind of heating device/method used to maintain its temperature as well as avoid suspicion from testers, etc. On a brighter note, Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit offers a convenient and reliable alternative for those seeking a clean sample, providing peace of mind and ease of use.
How NOT to Fail Drug Test Because Of Urine Temperature: Ultimate Guide

How To Use Synthetic Pee For A Urine Drug Test?

Synthetic pee is a specially formulated chemical solution designed as an alternative solution to providing successful fake urine samples during drug tests etc. These solutions are created under laboratory conditions so they contain all necessary components found in organic human pisses such as urea nitrogen, creatinine, uric acid & other elements needed in order to pass all sorts of different chemical & biological validation methods employed during testing scenarios, etc. In terms of keeping synthetic pee warm prior to submission; users should look into purchasing heat-activating powder packets which activate upon contact with liquid substances & gradually raise temperatures within minutes or buy pre-heated packs instead depending on user preference & availability etc.

Also, keep in mind that laboratory specialists know how to differentiate real and synthetic urine samples. They use different methods to test the “fakeness” of a urine sample:

  • Shaking. Most samples fail at the stage of shaking. Real human pee includes a protein that produces small bubbles when shaken. Most fake pee samples do not contain protein. Use the synthetic pee with protein;
  • Smelling. Real pee includes odor-producing bacteria that start to multiply when the urine is outside the human body. Look for synthetic urine with the newest formula that includes such bacteria with the required density;
  • Checking the contents. Fake pee should include uric acid, urea, creatine with a realistic pH range and specific gravity to pass as real urine;

Powdered Human Urine

Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit is a sophisticated product designed to replicate the physical and chemical attributes of real human urine. Known for its exceptional accuracy, it consists of essential elements like uric acid and creatinine, and mimics natural smells and froths, making it suitable for passing a drug screening.

Priced reasonably at $49.95, the kit contains a fake pee with heating pad, temperature strip, transport vial, and comprehensive instructions for foolproof testing, ensuring seamless experiences. However, it’s essential to remember that once reconstituted, the product has a limited lifespan of up to 72 hours, making timed preparation crucial.

The product is manufactured and distributed by TestClear, a company that specializes in drug testing products. TestClear provides customer support for their products via phone and email with the intent of helping users understand how to use the product correctly.


  • it has an intricate formula that closely resembles actual urine
  • it comes with all the necessary components
  • it can be used multiple times if reheated properly


  • once mixed with water this product will only last for up to 72 hours
  • using too much or too little powder may result in inaccurate results
  • and incorrect heating may also lead to false positives in tests
Banner Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater

Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)

  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • All YOU NEED TO PASS A TEST IN ONE PACK: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable

The UrHeatingDevice

The UrHeatingDevice is a revolutionary device designed to efficiently store and maintain synthetic urine at body temperature. This reusable, self-regulating device is ideal for individuals who need to submit urine samples for testing while avoiding the detection of tampering or cheating. The UrHeatingDevice, produced by Innovative Research Technology Inc, has an extensive and proven track record since its introduction to the market in 1998.

The UrHeatingDevice kit includes the device itself, a temperature strip, two free samples of synthetic urine, a syringe, and a user manual. The device is powered by a pair of 9V batteries and is user-friendly, making it easy to use even for first-timers. The UrHeatingDevice is priced at $169.95, which may seem steep at first but is an excellent investment considering the device’s efficiency.


  • The UrHeatingDevice is a reusable and self-regulating device that maintains synthetic urine at body temperature. It ensures a foolproof way to successfully pass urine drug tests.
  • The kit comes with two free samples of synthetic urine, a syringe, and a user manual to ensure users have everything they need to use the device successfully.
  • The device has been in the market since 1998, with a long and proven track record of helping users pass drug tests, thereby making it a reliable option.


  • The UrHeatingDevice is priced at $169.95, which might be a bit expensive for some users compared to other drug test methods. But you can use a cheaper solution, such as the Urine Simulation Kit, and pass your test successfully.
  • The device requires a pair of 9V batteries to function, which adds to the cost of using this device.
  • The use of the device may be considered unethical or illegal, which may be a significant drawback for some users.

The Whizzinator

If you are looking for fake urine with heating pad, this product will provide you all of this and even more. The Whizzinator is a prosthetic penis that comes with a laboratory urine kit, manufactured by Alternative Lifestyle Systems (ALS). With over 16 years of experience, ALS is a renowned brand that specializes in providing high-quality synthetic urine kits. For $129.95, customers receive an artificially designed penis, heating pads, calibrated syringe, Golden Shower synthetic urine sample, and detailed instructions.

The Whizzinator has several features that make it unique in its class. It is available in white, tan, latino, brown, and black, making it a versatile product for all skin tones. The synthetic urine used in the kit is of high quality, and it looks, smells, and froths like actual urine. Additionally, the Golden Shower synthetic urine has the same chemical properties as biological urine, making it undetectable during drug tests. For those seeking better alternative, the Powdered Urine Kit offers another excellent option, providing a convenient and reliable solution for various needs.

This product is an excellent product that provides peace of mind to anyone who needs to pass a drug test. While it may not be socially acceptable to use, it is a highly realistic prosthetic penis with several unique features that make it stand out. The Whizzinator is an excellent investment for anyone who needs to pass a drug test and wants to do so without detection.


  • Highly realistic design
  • Multiple skin tone options
  • High-quality synthetic urine sample


  • Might not be socially acceptable
  • Can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods
  • Requires practice to use effectively

How to Carry Your Pee to the Lab?

Carrying your pee to the lab for drug testing can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re trying to pass the test using someone else’s or fake urine. Fortunately, there are several ways to hide your sample and ensure that it’s not detected.

  • For females, one of the easiest ways to hide fake pee is by using a padded bra. Technicians conducting the pat-down will often avoid touching the chest area, making it an ideal hiding spot. Additionally, slipping the sample into your bra will help maintain its temperature.
  • Both men and women can use their crotch as an excellent spot to hide a urine sample. You can choose to wear two pairs of underwear and tuck the specimen between them. This method will keep the sample concealed and keep your hands free to avoid arousing suspicion during the pat-down.
  • Another option is a leg strap that wraps tightly around your leg and has a small pocket where you can stash the fake pee. This method is particularly useful if you’re unable to use the bra or crotch hiding spots, but want to use fake pee samples like Urine Simulation Kit.
  • Some people prefer to use a waist belt that goes around their midsection to conceal the sample. However, this option is only effective if you’re not facing a thorough inspection at the lab.
  • In cases where you’re subjected to a rigorous search before handing over the sample, hiding the sample up the backdoor may be the only option. Although this method is riskier. Also, it may cause an injury, so we do not recommend using this one to pass a drug test.

It’s important to note that while these methods might work, there’s no guarantee that you’ll succeed in passing the drug test. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the potential consequences and make an informed decision before attempting to cheat on the test.

What if I am not sure about my urine and want to check if I can pass the test without synthetic urine?

If you are unsure about whether you can pass a drug test with your urine sample, there are a few things you can do to check before resorting to synthetic urine. Firstly, it’s important to note that drug tests typically have a cut-off level for drug detection. This means that if the concentration of drugs in your urine is below this level, it will not be detected.

To determine whether your urine is likely to pass a drug test, you can purchase at-home drug test kits. These kits work in a similar way to the drug tests used by laboratories and are relatively easy to use. Simply collect a sample of your urine and dip a test strip into it. The strip will display colored lines that correspond to different types of drugs. A negative result occurs when a colored line appears next to both the control and test regions. The line color can vary, ranging from faint pink to deep red. It’s essential to note, however, that color intensity doesn’t impact the test results or indicate the amount of drug detection. Instead, the color line’s presence signifies an assumed “negative” result and that drug detection is below the concentration cut-off level. In summary, urine drug test color codes help streamline the testing process by separating drug panels and providing an efficient method for interpreting results.

It’s important to note that these at-home tests are not always 100% accurate and should not be relied upon as the sole method of determining whether you will pass a drug test. However, they can provide a useful indication of whether your urine is likely to be positive or negative for drugs.

Banner Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater

Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)

  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • All YOU NEED TO PASS A TEST IN ONE PACK: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the normal temperature for male urine?

A: The normal temperature for male urine is between 96°F to 100°F (35.5° C to 37.8°C).

Q: How to keep the pee in a pill bottle warm?

A: To keep urine in a pill bottle warm, you can use a hand warmer or heat pad. Wrap the hand warmer around the bottle or place the heat pad beneath it to maintain the desired temperature range. It’s important to make sure the temperature doesn’t exceed 100°F (37.8°C) since it may indicate synthetic urine and raise suspicion.

Q: Can you use a 3-day-old urine drug test?

A: Using a 3-day-old urine sample for a drug test is not recommended since the sample may have been contaminated with bacteria or deteriorated over time, affecting the accuracy of the test. It’s best to use fresh urine samples within the first few hours of collection if possible. If you need to store the sample, make sure to refrigerate it and use it within 24 hours.

Q: How long does urine stay warm between your legs?

A: The length of time urine stays warm between your legs varies depending on the material and form of the items it is contained in. For example, if the urine is in contact with cotton, which retains body heat, it might stay warm for up to two hours. However, if the urine is left exposed to air, it will cool off in a matter of minutes. Hence, it is advisable to use a waistline pack with a flexible hose to discharge urine to ensure warmth.

Q: Сan you reheat synthetic urine multiple times?

A: No, reheating urine is not recommended. In fact, reheating synthetic urine can break down many of the essential chemicals and proteins, making it easier to detect in a drug test, which renders it ineffective as an option for cheating a drug test. Therefore, it should only be used once and not reheated in any way.

Bottom Line

We hope that after reading this article you know exactly what temp pee needs to be for a drug test. If the sample is too cold or too hot, it may fail and cost everyone time and money to figure out why there were different results. Luckily, there are many tools available that can help people make sure they will pass a urine drug test by keeping their sample at the right temperature.

Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit, the UrHeatingDevice, and the Whizzinator are all great options with various levels of discretion and affordable prices. Ultimately, make sure you take into account all of these steps during your preparation so your sample has the correct temperature when getting to a clinical lab for testing.

With this knowledge, you should be able NOT to fail a drug test because of urine temperature but pass it with flying colors. So don’t forget to keep an eye on your urine’s temperature: make sure it’s at the optimal level before submitting it for testing.