
European Network co-ordinator:

IFT-Nord, Institute for Therapy and Health Research

Firm name / legal form:

Institut für Therapie- und Gesundheitsforschung gemeinnützige GmbH

Reiner Hanewinkel, PhD
Harmsstraße 2
24114 Kiel, Germany
T:+49 431 570 29-0
F:+49 431 570 29-29
E-mail: [email protected]

Executive authorised to represent:

Reiner Hanewinkel, PhD

Court of registry: District court Kiel
Company registration number: HRB 3074
Sales tax ID-no. in accordance with §27a UStG: DE189878727

Responsible for content / editor:

Responsible for content in accordance with §6 MDStV:

Reiner Hanewinkel, PhD

Design / technical realisation:

Data & Vision GmbH
Marconistraße 2-4
24145 Kiel
T: +49 431 71 94 98-90
F: +49 431 71 94 98-99
E-Mail: [email protected]

This homepage arises from the project Smokefree Class Competition Network (SFC-N) which has received funding from the European Union,
in the framework of the Health Programme.
The sole responsibility of the content of this homepage lies with IFT-Nord.
The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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We make no warranty whatsoever as to the information published on this internet site being correct, complete, up-to-date or
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Furthermore, IFT-Nord’s web pages may contain publications by experts or other companies / organisations / institutions.
Information expressedly marked as such publications either contained directly on IFT-Nord’s web pages or accessible via a
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IFT-Nord respects all relevant legal regulations concerning the protection of data privacy. However,
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